A blog about the animals I live with and care for and wonderfully cute animal pics, stories & videos for your enjoyment.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Grizz at 6 months: All legs and feet!

Here is Grizz in late April, 2012. He is all gangly legs and big feet, and a bit clumsy. He is learning to sit and stay really well, and he can cuddle nicely, too. Sometimes he gets a toy in his mouth and he lies down and goes into a trance, sucking on the toy as if he were nursing. It is adorable!

Here are Scratchy and Grizz playing together on a nice spring day!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Grizz is growing like a weed!

Grizz is now about five months old. He has long legs, big front paws, a long nose, a long, thin, curly tail and some curly hair on his ears. We suspect he might have some Afghan in him! Look at how gangly he is! He is just adorable and sweet as can be.